Initial PP, PE offers for April by SE Asian producers significantly reduced

Several producers in Southeast Asia have announced their initial April offers for both PP and PE to the regional market, with significant decreases. As per Chemorbis, in the PP market, a Thai producer announced initial April offers with decreases of US$50-60/ton from March to US$1340-1350/ton for homo-PP injection and raffia, US$1360/ton for PP film, all on a CIF SEA, cash basis. Another Southeast Asian producer also announced price cuts of $40/ton on homo-PP injection and raffia and $80/ton for PP film, bringing their initial April offers to US$1360/ton for homo-PP injection and raffia and to US$1390/ton for PP film, all on a CIF SEA, cash basis. A third regional producer announced initial April offers with a rollover from March at US$1430/ton CIF SEA, cash for homo-PP injection and raffia, commenting that they are seeing good demand from their regular customers. In the PE market, a major regional producer announced initial April offers at US$1550-1580/ton for LDPE film, US$1400/ton for LLDPE film and at US$1300/ton for HDPE film, all on a CIF SEA, cash basis. The offers represent declines from their March offers of US$40-70/ton for LDPE film, US$80/ton for LLDPE film and US$100/ton for HDPE film, while attributing their price cuts to poorer market sentiment. A Thai producer announced initial April offers for HDPE film at US$1340-1350/ton CIF SEA, cash, a decrease of US$50-60/ton when compared with their March offer levels. The producer pointed to slow demand as the reason for their price cuts. Another Southeast Asian producer also announced a US$50/ton price reduction on their initial April offers for LDPE film, bringing their new offers for this product to US$1600/ton CIF SEA, cash.
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