Japanese processors consent to PE price hike by petrochemical makers

Polyethylene prices is Japan have been increased by a record 17% to unprecedented levels not seen for the past 25 years. This price hike was possible in the country as Japan's film manufacturers and other processors have agreed to the price hikes sought by Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp., Mitsui Chemicals Inc. and Sumitomo Chemical Co. Polyethylene prices have been increased by about 35-40 yen ($0.3-0.4) to around 250 yen/kg. Polypropylene prices were raised by 18% (37-40 yen/kg), while Polystyrene prices were raised 7-9% (15-20 yen/kg). Domestic resin prices are currently at their highest level since 1983, when the market was dealing from the blow of the second oil shock.
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