L&T awarded two EPC projects in Dahej PCPIR

L&T Construction has bagged orders worth Rs 1,065 crore which include two major engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) projects in the Petroleum, Chemicals, Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) of Dahej, Gujarat. The water and effluent treatment business unit of the company has secured Rs 793 crore order from the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) for two water supply schemes. These two schemes of 50 MGD (million gallons per day) and 25 MGD respectively will supply water to the PCPIR, Dahej. The scope of work also includes construction of pump houses along with electromechanical and instrumentation works. The company has also secured new order for 10 MLD (million liters per day) capacity Reverse Osmosis (RO-based) seawater desalination plant in Southern part of the country.
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