MEG unit restart delayed by Nan Ya Plastics to end of month

Nan Ya Plastics has delayed the restart of its' No. 3 monoethylene glycol (MEG) unit in Mailiao, which was shut June 30 for a three-week maintenance. Restart of the 350,000 tpa unit has been pushed forward to end of July as per Platts, mainly due to the fire at Formosa Petrochemical's No. 1 naphtha-fed steam cracker. Nan Ya Plastics sources its ethylene supply from affiliate Formosa Petrochemicals. Additionally, the 350,000 tpa No. 2 MEG line, a JV between Nan Ya and China Man-Made Fiber -- will be shut for a turnaround, originally planned for August, when the No. 3 unit is brought on stream.
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