Nayachar could replace Nandigram as an alternative venue for Bengal PCPIR

The plans of West Bengal state for setting up a Petroleum, Chemicals & Petrochemical Investment Region (PCPIR) around Haldia, could materialize with the aid of Union Government intervention. In a proposal sent to the Ministry, the West Bengal Government has submitted a proposal of about 13,000 ha to 14,000 ha. The island of Nayachar, with limited population, has been identified as the alternative venue, replacing Nandigram. Even though the proposal does not meet the established criteria specified by the Union Government of a minimum area of 25,000 hectares (250 sq km) for each PCPIR, the case would be considered on sympathetic grounds. Out of the 25,000 ha required for a PCPIR, generally only 40% would be for chemical processing while the rest is for infrastructure like residential colonies and colleges.
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