New CPSIA-compliant plastisol and flexible vinyl compounds for toy safety

In an effort to aid manufacturers create safe toys and childcare products, PolyOne Corporation recently announced its portfolio of non-phthalate and CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act)-compliant plastisol and flexible vinyl compounds. The CPSIA legislation, which comes into effect on Feb 10, 2009, includes a permanent ban on the use of three specific phthalate plasticizers as well as a temporary ban on three others used in the manufacture of toys or child care articles intended for children age 12 and under. This new portfolio of non-phthalate compounds will be available under the name, Geon™. As per the company, Geon plastisols and flexible vinyl compounds are used in a wide variety of industries, including consumer, healthcare, textile and packaging. Applications include outdoor recreational equipment, toys, child care articles, medical devices, and gaskets for food and beverage containers.
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