New soft, transparent and high impact resistance PP material for thinwall packaging

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions, has launched Borsoft™ SG220MO a new soft and very transparent polypropylene (PP) solution for production of high quality, thinwalled packaging and household containers. The product is a pure PP solution that simplifies production, adds material cost-saving benefits and delivers the performance benefits essential to the successful production of complex, sturdy, see-through thinwall containers with easy-to-open lids, even in refrigerator environments. Borsoft SG220MO is based on Borealis' proprietary Borstar® PP 2G technology and shows the needed flexibility for easy to open lids. In addition to providing outstanding transparency equivalent to that of PP random copolymers, the material's high flow, good dimensional stability and impact resistance allow the straight-forward production of complex shapes with both low warpage and very good hinge integration. The material's stress whitening resistance and high gloss helps retain lids and containers help retain performance and high quality appearance over a long time. The high flow simplifies production by allowing easy filling of complicated container shapes and designs and 100% single-material PP solution eliminates the need to mix different materials, reducing the number of production steps. Finally, SG220MO offers full food compliance with low hexane extractables and good organoleptic properties for food packaging and containers.
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