PetroRabigh working on restoring power after a sudden electrical outage

The Saudi Refining and Petrochemical company (PetroRabigh) is working on restoring power after a sudden electrical outage that occurred at its plant on Saturday. The company said the outage affected most of its units producing petrochemical products. “A sudden interruption of electrical power supplies occurred from the supplying company to PetroRabigh complex which caused major electrical power interruptions to most of the complex units and temporarily affected the operations,” the firm said in a statement to the stock exchange. The statement did not specify which units were affected or when they will start operating again. “Efforts are currently in progress to resume power supplies and restore the operation of units to normal status,” it said. The electricity supplier mentioned in the announcement was not the Saudi Electricity Company and that the problem was an internal issue with a subcontracting company.
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