Shell and CRI step up efforts to offer collaborative licensing technologies and catalysts to China

Shell Global Solutions, the technology arm of Royal Dutch Shell plc, and CRI/Criterion Marketing Asia Pacific Pte Ltd are stepping up efforts to offer collaborative licensing technologies and catalysts to Chinese petrochemical companies., as per Global Times. Shell Global Solutions will provide ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol (EO/EG) licensing technologies and tailored consultancy services and CRI will offer catalysts to produce EO/EG to achieve cost savings, according to Ken C. Lai, Shell Global Solutions's Asia Pacific director of licensing. "The domestic demand for EO/EG has increased fast thanks to fast growth in the country's economy, and there will be a big business opportunity." EG is one of the vital ingredients for polyester fibers and film, polyethylene terephthalate resins and engine coolants – all of which are highly in demand," explained Lai. Current domestic EO/EG supply is not adequate to meet the demand with a bright future forecast for the EO/EG industry if production costs can be controlled. Domestic EO consumption will reach 6.8 mln tons by 2012, while domestic production capacity is currently only 4.7 mln tons.
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