Sibur subsidiary selects Unipol process for PE plant

Russia's leading producer of polyethylene, Tomskneftekhim has selected Univation Technologies' Unipol Polyethylene production process for the company's newly planned PE plant in Tomsk, Russia. Tomskneftekhim, the subsidiary of the Sibur Holding chemicals group will have a production capacity of 140,000 tpa PE resins at its Tomsk-based plant. The company chose Uniopol technology due to its low expenses for capital construction of the future installation, universality of the brand line and reduced costs of operations. The PE plant in Tomsk region is a part of Sibur's large investment plan in the region. Upcoming project in the pipeline is 200,000 tpa polypropylene resin plant incorporating Innovene PP production process from Ineos Technologies.
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