Songwon announces price increases for range of polymer stabilizers and specialty antioxidants

Songwon Industrial Co. Ltd., a leading developer and manufacturer of Polymer Additives, will increase the global selling prices of its Polymer Stabilizers and Specialty Antioxidants products. The increase will range between 5% and 8% effective on orders received on or after August 15, 2013, or as contracts allow. Recent cost escalations in key raw materials combined with the need to reach profitability that supports reinvestment have made the increase inevitable. Within the Polymer Stabilizers product range, the increase will apply primarily to SONGNOX® 6260, SONGNOX® 6280, SONGNOX® 2590, SONGNOX® PTBP, SONGNOX® 1077 and SONGNOX® 6180 as well as to AO FR and AO RD within the Specialty Antioxidants product range.
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