Turkey's July polymer imports down from June levels

As per data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), Turkey's plastics imports in July 2011 were down from June levels, but up from levels seen in July 2010, as per ChemOrbis. The country imported 316,000 tons of plastics in July, which represents a decrease of 32,000 tons from June levels, falling to the lowest figure since the start of 2011. The largest stake of overall imports belongs to Saudi Arabia with 65,280 tons, which was followed by Iran with more than 21,000 tons and by Belgium with 17,691 tons. Month over month, imports from Saudi Arabia rose while imports from Belgium and Iran dropped. In the homo PP market, Turkey reduced its imports from June to July to 87,000 tons. Apart from the main supply source, Saudi Arabia, with 40,038 tons, Israel, Egypt and Greece were the largest exporters in July 2011, exporting 7,574 tons, 6,216 tons and 4,396 tons respectively. Homo PP imports from India and Turkmenistan saw a sharp decline month over month. Turkey's S-PVC imports were steady on a monthly basis at 47,000 tons in July 2011. Mexico became the largest S-PVC exporter in July, raising its exports to 5,890 tons. From the US, Turkey imported almost half of what it imported in June, with imports from the US dropping to 5,822 in July. The third largest S-PVC exporter in July was Portugal, which almost doubled its S-PVC exports to Turkey, with 4,944 tons in July. In the PE market, July import figures tracked divergent paths compared to June. Turkey's LDPE imports were up at 17,000 tons, HDPE imports were steady at 49,000 tons and LLDPE imports were down at 21,000 tons. For LDPE; Iran (4,667 tons), Israel (4,106 tons) and Spain (1,678 tons) were the top three exporters, all increasing their export volumes on a monthly basis as per the plastics pricing service ChemOrbis. As for HDPE, the largest stake of imports belonged to Saudi Arabia (10,502 tons), Iran (9,873 tons) and India (4,368 tons). For LLDPE, Saudi Arabia was again the largest exporter with 10,331 tons, which was followed by Iran with 2,305 tons and Qatar with 1,683 tons. In the PS market, Turkey's total July imports were 23,000 tons, with the top three exporters being Belgium with more than 9,000 tons, Thailand with 4,120 tons and Germany with 1,269 tons.
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