US petrochem makers invest in new capacities, after a decade

US petrochem makers are keen to invest in new petrochemical facilities, thanks to low-cost natural gas from shale, after a decade-long hiatus during which they shunned building new capacity, as per Chemical & Engineering News. Chevron Phillips Chemical has launched a feasibility study on a new ethylene cracker, and Ineos is mulling a new ethylene oxide plant. Chevron Phillips is studying construction of a 2.5 bln lb pa cracker as well as new derivatives plants at one of its existing sites on the Gulf Coast. The company estimates that the plants would be completed by 2016-2017. Chevron Phillips operates 7.8 bln lb of ethylene capacity in Cedar Bayou, Port Arthur, and Sweeny, Texas. In October, the firm announced it will build a plant for the ethylene derivative 1-hexene in Cedar Bayou. It also runs an aromatics plant in Pascagoula, Miss., and a styrene joint venture with Styron in St. James, La.The company is already advancing discussions with engineering contractors. Ineos is considering the US as well as other locations, for the construction of a 1.1 bln lb ethylene oxide plant with “appropriately sized” units for derivatives, including ethylene glycol.
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