Technical Papers Plastics
Virgin PET from discarded textile fabric and waste bottles

Virgin PET from discarded textile fabric and waste bottles

gr3n has invented a new process that resolves the problem of clothes recycling using chemical recycling of synthetic textile fibers and mixed materials

gr3n developed an innovative process, based on a new application of microwave technology to a well known chemical reaction to economically recycle PET (Polyethylene Terephtalate) and allows an industrial implementation of this recycling method. This new process can potentially change how PET is recycled worldwide with a huge financial benefit for the recycling industry.

The process involves depolymerization of the PET or polyester textile / bottles i.e. conversion of PET waste into its building blocks (EG and PTA). The ethylene glycol (EG) and terepthalic acid (PTA) molecules can be used to reproduce virgin PET. Thanks to this technology new virgin PET will be produced from those retrieved monomers instead from those coming from oil thus closing the loop.

Earlier attempts over past decades failed to move from lab to industry for lack of commercial viability. Thanks to DEMETO (Depolymerization by MicrowavE TechnolOgy) technology developed by gr3n this approach has become viable.

gr3n has a massive advantage with respect to its competitors, because it is the only provider of chemical recycling solution, closing the PET lifecycle, offering polymer grade material, treating waste, lowering carbon footprint and most importantly provide relevant cost savings for players in the value chain: it can multiply by 4/5 times PET producers' EBIT margin.

The gr3n project was granted by EU trough the Consortium Symbioptima
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Lohia tape stretching line