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Source used calendering lines and used calender machines for soft and rigid PVC calendered films.
Required - Used PVC Calendering Line, Used Calenders and Calenderette
We are looking for 3 roll rubber calendar with the following specifications - Above 66 inches width and kneaders above 100 liters and embossing machine - We need calender to produce EVA......
UM 12494
:- India
We are looking for 2 sets of calender for flooring tile First Size: width 70 - 80 inch, thickness 24 inch, 4 rollers Second size: width 90-92 inch, thickness 24 inch, 4 rollers...
UM 12361
:- Indonesia
Friction Calender 3 Roll Roll width 54 inch or more Roll dia 18 or more To make Jacquard board...
UM 11834
:- Haryana, India
We are a producer of Pharma packaging. We need calendering and stretching equipment (if needed) to produce food grade PVC rigid film of 60 micron. We need a capacity of 150 to 200 tons/m......
UM 11671
- Calendering machine of width 800 mm - Four rolls with full set-up for rigid pvc - Small size machine only for rigid PVC for blister in Pharma company...
UM 11636
We are looking for a Rigid Calendaring Unit for PVC with the following specifications - Unit 4 Rolls or 5 Rolls Calendar 24 x 80 or 26 x 80 inches - Inverted L type - Material weighing......
UM 10917
We are looking for vertical calendering line with the following specifications - 60" width 3 or 4 roll it is for laminate "PP" - Thickness 0.3 to 1.00 mm ...
UM 10906
We are looking for complete Calendering Line with the following specifications - Roll width between 1200 mm to 1500 mm to produce Clear and Colored rigid PVC film for blister packing app......
UM 10395
We are looking For PVC Sheet Line with the following specification - The PVC sheet should be of thermoforming quality as it will undergo a thermo/vacuum forming process for manufacturing......
UM 10220
We are looking for a vertical 2 roll calendar line with the following specifications: - Working width of 1600 to 1800 mm ...
UM 10049
:- Mexico
We are looking for Rigid PVC Calendar Film making machine with the following specifications - Producing max. Thickness 0.5 mm & minimum 0.06 mm - Upto maximum width 1000 mm ...
UM 9923
We are looking for PVC Calendering Line with the following specifications - PVC Flooring - Wide: 1625 mm - Calender line: 2 mm Thick with or Without Banbury Mixer both will do - O......
UM 9908
Need Complete Unit - PVC Synthetic Leather Calender Unit Need 5 to 10 years old complete PVC synthetic sheets plant - Capacity per Month: 30,000 Meter to 50,000 meter / per day - Sy......
UM 9790
:- Thailand
We are looking for inverted 4 Roll Calendar Line with the following specifications - Inverted L with a minimum roll face of 2,000 mm (80 inches) - Strongly prefer 2,500 mm (100 inches) ......
UM 9608
:- USA
We are looking for 4 Roll PVC Calendaring Line with the following specifications - Plant used maximum 15 Years - Pharma grade Rigid PVC sheets from 100 - 500 Micron / General propose PV......
UM 9569
:- Nigeria
We are looking for a second hand planetary extruder with the following specifications: - With a capacity of 700 to 800 kg./hr - For use in our rigid PVC calendering plant in Egypt ...
UM 9346
:- Egypt
We are looking for calender line with the following specifications: - For produce rigid PVC film - Width of the trimmed film 1200 or more & 80 to 600 micron thickness ...
UM 9315
- Width of the film is 750 to 900 mm. - Product should be Pharma grade rigid PVC film. - Upstream equipment required: slitter winder. - Production output: 60 to 100 kg/hr ...
UM 9162
We are looking for Calendaring Line with the following specifications: - 66" or 72" Calendaring Line - 4 roller inverted roll - Banburry complete Line - Brand: European / American ...
UM 8954
:- Mumbai, India
We are looking for second hand calendaring machine with following specification: - Produce PVC flooring with the minimum width of 2 mtr and thickness of 0.35 mm - The calendaring mach......
UM 7545
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