5 Layer Polyfilm Milk Packaging provides Tamper Evidence


Gokul dairy has launched five-layered polyfilm pouches for milk packaging to avoid adulteration.

The dairy has a daily collection of 15.5 lakh litre of milk and supplies it to Mumbai and Pune.The dairy used ti get complaints of milk adulteration.

According to authorities, the common mode of adulteration was piercing the pouch and drawing the milk out using a syringe.The pouch is then filled up with water.

Vishwas Patil, chairman of the dairy said, "with the new packaging, if the pouch is pierced a blue colour applied to one of the layers will spread automatically. It will impart a dark colour on the pouch which will be a sign for customers to understand that the milk is adulterated.Right now the packaging will be used for the milk sold in Mumbai and slowly it will be used for other places as well."

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