Apparent hiatus in rising trend in German plastics and rubber machinery

The German plastics and rubber machinery sector has witnessed healthy growth rates for several years. After attaining an all time high output in 2007 and Q1-2008, growth has come to a standstill. It is now apparent that the upward trend in German plastics and rubber machinery manufacturing is over, as per figures by VDMA. Incoming orders from January to June 2008 were 7% down as against last years' figures. Export deliveries rose by 12.2% in H1 of the year. Sales of German plastics and rubber machinery were strikingly higher in Asia and the 27 EU countries compared with the previous year. Orders in hand and capacity utilization in the sector remain high. As per another forecast, an 8% increase in sales is estimated in 2008 and expected turnover in core machinery manufacturing could total €5.6 bln. Nevertheless, a downtrend estimated in allied industries and global markets could result in decline in orders received, and thus a fall in sales in 2009.
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