Asian PVC producers announce offers for April to China

Two Asian PVC producers have announced their new PVC k67-68 offers to China for April, indicating rollovers. As per Chemorbis, a major Taiwanese producer announced new offers at US$1040/ton CFR China main port, subject to 6.5% customs duty and 10% anti-dumping duty, cash basis. The producer prefers to maintain their offer levels for the time being due to tight supplies and their optimistic view regarding the PVC trend over the near term, in spite of the fact that demand is not good at the moment. A Thai producer also followed the same policy as they renewed their April prices from March levels at US$1040/ton on CFR China main port, subject to 5% customs duty, cash basis. The seller has not concluded any sales yet while believing that PVC prices will follow a stable trend over the near term. Therefore, he holds an optimistic view regarding their PVC business over the short term.
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