Masterbatches offer longer protection against oxygen, CO2 permeation in PET bottles

Clariant Masterbatches has developed two new masterbatches offering longer protection against oxygen and carbon dioxide permeation in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. The CESA®-absorb masterbatches remain stable during handling and processing and avoid the need for special nitrogen treatment, which is often required when using other oxygen absorbers. CESA-absorb OCA0050134-ZN is an all-in-one masterbatch with a polyamide (PA) polymer additive that forms a passive barrier to help prevent CO2 escaping from bottles filled with carbonated soft drinks and beer. The additives, as active ingredients, also initiate an oxidation reaction in the PA so that it absorbs oxygen and protects sensitive products inside the bottle. This masterbatch is typically added with let-down ratios of 4-5%. CESA-absorb NTA0050139-ZN does not include PA in the masterbatch. The masterbatch is added at a rate of just 1 to 1.5%, and can function with PA added separately just as it does in the all-in-one product. Both products can be supplied as combibatch, incorporating the additives for oxygen reduction and CO2 barrier and UV stabilizers, acetaldehyde scavengers and colour. CESA additive masterbatches are available in a variety of physical forms, from large cylindrical granules (2.5 by 4.0 mm) to spherical nanogranules that are 0.6-1.5 mm in diameter.
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