New random copolymer increases levels of optical performance, energy savings

A new PP random copolymer - SABIC® PP Qrystal significantly increases the competitive edge of converters, enabling them to offer new levels of optical performance in their products while making energy savings during production. On the one hand, it is highly transparent and offers good antistatic properties. As such, it meets the precise demands of markets such as injection molded houseware, office and home storage, lids and cap & closures. The levels of transparency and gloss make the resulting products highly competitive on the shelf. But converters are also discovering its remarkable energy-saving properties, as it can be processed at significantly lower temperatures than comparable grades, offering savings of as much as 15%. Part aesthetics are not affected by the lower temperatures, providing for a broader operating window. So SABIC® PP Qrystal provides converters with the opportunity to differentiate themselves while also offering better margins. It is one of a range of innovative new products being developed by SABIC. It is available in two grades, SABIC® PP QR673K with an MFI of 25, and SABIC® PP QR675K with an MFI of 60. In addition to devoting its resources to the ongoing research and development of the grades, SABIC is committed to the commercialization of our random copolymer grade family thanks to our increasingly broad product portfolio.
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