BASF announces price increase for engineering plastics

Due to unprecedented and sustained higher costs in raw materials, energy and transportation, BASF will increase prices in its engineering plastics product line in North America, effective August 20, 2007, or as contracts allow, for all shipments. The specific increases for North America are as follows: " Ultramid® standard nylon resins*: $0.10/lb " Nypel® recycled nylon resins : $0.10/lb " Ultradur® PBT resins*: $0.10/lb " Petra® PET resins $0.10/lb *This includes all grades previously known as Capron®, Celanese®, Latamid®, Later®, Latiblend®, Latilub®, Toramid®, Kelon®, Lastil®, or Latan®.
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