Bio-Degradable additive for Polypropylene

Diamant has introduced a bio degradable additive for Polypropylene. The Nor-x additive to manufacture a "degradable" Polypropylene tray will make Diamant the industry leader, making the company the exclusive supplier in North America to the only cost effective degradable solution for Polypropylene plastic. The only competitive degradable tray currently being distributed in USA consists only of organic fiber-based trays, which are also biodegradable, but the cost is considerably higher. Approximately 30 billion trays are being manufactured in North America. These trays are being utilized to package the vast majority of fresh product (Meat, Fish, Poultry and fresh produce) currently packed for bulk and individual sale. Rigid trays are currently manufactured with the use of a Foamed Polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene foam represents one of the packaging industry's toughest environmentally challenging products, due to its enormous sustaining longevity, which consequently results in a negative impact on the environment.
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