Commercial production starts at Vietnam's very first oil refinery

The Southeast Asian nation of Vietnam proudly initiated commercial operations at the Dung Quat Oil Refinery - the nation's very first - located in the central province of Quang Ngai. Petrovietnam, the state-owned oil and gas giant celebrated the opening of the coming on-stream of the US$2.5 bln oil refinery said to have a capacity of 6.5 mln tpa, run at full capacity. Ding Quat will produce products including LPG, gasoline, jet fuel, naphtha, raw material for propylene plants, diesel and other petrochemicals like. As per local media reports, Dung Quat Oil Refinery will be a promising milestone in Vietnam's petrochem industry as it will lend a hand providing energy security to Vietnam by meeting 30% of the domestic demand. In FY 2009, Vietnam's first oil refinery is projected to produce more than 2.5 mln tons of products and begin running at full capacity from October.
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