IOC restarts delayed coker, upgraded crude plant; to restart hydrocracker at Panipat

Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has restarted a delayed coker and an upgraded crude plant last weekend and is to restart the hydrocracker this week. IOC will be operating its Panipat refinery at 300,000 bpd within a week. IOC's 120,000 bpd crude plant, 1.7 mln tpa hydrocracker and a 2.4 mln tpa delayed coker unit at the Panipat refinery, were taken off-stream in September for revamp. As a result of the shutdown of the crude device, IOC had to shutdown its naphtha cracker with capacity to produce 600,000 tpa of propylene and 850,000 tpa ethylene. Full run-rate is expected within the next 15 days at the cracker.
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