LyondellBasell to Increase Prices on Its Catalloy Process Resins in Europe

Effective August 1, LyondellBasell Industries will increase prices in Europe on all of its Adflex, Adsyl, Softell and reactor-grade Hifax resins by euro 200/ ton. "Escalating feedstock, energy and transportation costs continue to erode our margins which necessitate this increase," said Paul Yeates, Senior Vice President of LyondellBasell's Advanced Polyolefins business. LyondellBasell's polypropylene resins based on its proprietary Catalloy process are marketed under the trade names Adflex, Adsyl, Softell and Hifax. These resins, which possess a broad range of properties from flexibility to stiffness, are used by customers to produce applications in the building and construction, compounding, film (specialty and packaging) and automotive industries. (Press Release)
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