Masterbatch maker Ampacet Corp opens new masterbatch production facility in Dandenong, Australia


To further increase presence in Australia, masterbatch maker Ampacet Corporation has opened a new masterbatch production facility in Dandenong, Australia near Victoria to manufacture custom colours and additives.

In a statement, Tarrytown, N.Y.-based Ampacet said the “state-of-the-art facility will produce custom color masterbatches and houses a new laboratory for product development and quality assurance.” Processing equipment at the facility includes two twin-screw extruders equipped with the latest control systems and semi-automatic bagging systems, the statement added. “We have long had a significant presence in Australia and New Zealand,” said Yves Carette, Ampacet president and CEO. “Our new Dandenong facility enables us to better serve our customers’ needs.”


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