Narendra Punamiya, the visionary of Narendra Group passes away

The group's deep know-how and brave initiatives have turned a small production capacity of 300 tpa in 1975 to a leadership position with installed capacity to manufacture PP, HM-HD, LLD/LD bags of 16000 tpa. The ISO 9001 : 2000 certified Group, has two ultra modern manufacturing facilities in Daman with complete dedicated plants from extrusion to printing to bag making. In addition, the third manufacturing unit in North India is expected to be operational in this week while the subsequent year will see the establishment of another unit in Daman. The expertise of Narendra group lies in manufacturing of top quality 'T' shirt bags, PP bags, Shrink films and Butcher sheets, Carrier bags, Garbage bags and BOPP pouches and are preferred suppliers to large organized retail chains. The dynamic Narendra Group is one of the largest manufacturer and exporter of plastic packaging bags / products in India, with close to Rs. 100 crore turnover. The group is a Government designated Star Export House, being consistently awarded the Plexconcil Award for Export Excellence for the last two years.
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