Addcomp acquires functionalised additives business from Solvay

Solvay has sold its Priex functionalised additives business to Addcomp Holland, a specialist supplier of one-pack additive systems, in a deal covering Priex technology, production equipment and knowhow. Priex is a misfit for Solvay's activities after Solvay has hived off its polyolefin production business in 2005. Priex is a range of funtionalised homopolymers and copolymers capable of substantially enhancing the mechanical, thermal and processing properties of polyolefins. There are two product families: maleic anhydride grafted polymers and ionomers. Priex polymers are used in a range of industries for applications such as protective coating of metal surfaces - beverage cans and belt conveyors, pipe reinforcement and use in three-layer bottles for packaging that undergoes sterilisation.
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