New cornstarch-based biodegradable shrink film for packaging industry

American manufacturer of high-performance polyolefin films, Clysar has introduced a new, biodegradable shrink film called PLAnet™. The new shrink film is proprietary PLA (polylactic acid) film developed to meet the sustainable demands continuing to grow in the packaging industry. Clysar's PLAnet is made from renewable cornstarch, which requires up to 50% less fossil fuels than traditional hydrocarbon resins. This corn-based film reduces the output of greenhouse gases during production, and it doesn't emit toxic fumes when incinerated, according to the maker. PLAnet consumes less water than other polymers, cuts oil consumption by 50% and can be composted, thereby providing a wholly renewable packaging option for the industry. As per the company, it offers attractive, high-gloss printing and on-package sparkle and clarity. PLAnet performs under the same conditions as polyolefin packaging and can be run on standard shrink packaging equipment with little modifications. Clysar is a division of Bemis Company, Inc. Headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the company manufactures high-performance polyolefin films for a wide variety of packaging applications.
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