Petro-Canada workers end 13-month lockout at Montreal refinery; new coker unit under consideration

The thirteen month old lockout between Petro-Canada-Canada's no.4 oil exploration and refining company- and its workers at its 130,000 bpd Montreal refinery has ended with the workers scheduled for complete resumption on Jan. 12, 2009. Workers at the Montreal refinery recently voted in favour of the new 3-year labour agreement which calls for retroactive wage increases of 5.0%, 4.5% and 4.5%, a one-time bonus including other benefits, according to a statement by the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada said in a release. In Nov 2007, the Canadian oil refiner had shunned doors for its 260 workers at the refinery after union members voted to call a strike. Petro-Canada also has plans in the pipeline to construct a US$820 mln coker unit at the Montreal facility. This facility is believed to lessen the feedstock costs by processing heavy crudes from the Alberta oil sands.
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