Technology provides increased comfort in ballistic and trauma protection

DuPont™ has introduced Kevlar® XP™, a new patented technology that provides ballistic and trauma protection in a more comfortable body armor solution. The technology has been designed to provide end-users with higher performance body armor that is more comfortable, while meeting the most demanding requirements of current and pending global standards. Tests reveal that Kevlar® XP™ consistently stops bullets within the first three layers of a vest designed with a total of 11 layers. The remaining layers of Kevlar® XP™ absorb the energy of the bullet, resulting in less trauma, or backface deformation, to the vest wearer. Significantly more layers are typically required to stop a bullet in other commercially available lightweight technologies. DuPont is developing more ballistic applications for the future, as well as products for other industries.
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500,000 Lids / day thermoforming machine

500,000 Lids / day thermoforming machine