World's largest gas field shows a 36% quarterly increase in petrochem exports

The export of petrochemical products from the world's largest gas field, South Pars field in Iran have shown a 36% rise in Q1 of Iranian calendar year (starting March 20) as compared to same period previous year to reach 106,000 tons, as per the senior authority of South Pars Complex Company. South Pars field amounts to roughly 50% of Iran's gas reserves. Out of the total exports, butane dominated the share of exports with 83,000 tons indicating a mount of 47% from the corresponding period last year. Out of a ten-phased construction plan for South Pars Complex, phases 1- 5 have been completed and phases 6 - 8 are slated to be completed by end of this year. The completion of phases 6 - 8 will see the 104 mln cubic meters of sour gas been pumped into Khuzestan province via a 56 inch pipeline per day to be injected into Aghajari oilfield. The phases 9 and 10, when operational will have a production capacity of 2 bln cubic feet of gas per day comprising of 50 mln cubic meters of methane, 2,600 tons of ethane, 1,200 tons of butane, 2,000 tons of propane, 77,000 tons of gas condensates, and 400 tons of solid sulfur on a daily basis.
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