An invention that aims to extend shelf life of wine by limiting effects of oxidisation

Wine Preserva is an invention made from low density polyethylene that aims to extend shelf life by limiting the effects of oxidisation. The LLDPE disc when inserted in an opened bottle of wine the first glass is poured, floats on the surface of the wine, thus providing a lid and creating a barrier to oxidization, thus retaining aroma and taste characteristics of the wine. It is a coated disc system designed for flexibility enabling it to be rolled for insertion into the opened wine bottle, and then float on the wine surface providing a barrier to oxygen. The barrier stays in place as the wine is poured, with no need to re-cork the bottle until the end of the night. Because the Wine Preserva introduces a physical barrier between the wine and the ‘ullage’ (the air space between the wine and the cap of the bottle, oxidation is delayed and the product can be kept at a good quality for up to 5 days. As per, though the Wine Preserva looks simple, an intelligent design process and research and development has resulted in a world-first wine preserving technique which: · Does not contaminate or taint the wine · Does not change the sensory characteristics (aroma or taste) of the wine · Does not trap air between the disk and the wine surface, providing a constant barrier to oxygen To achieve these benefits, the WinePreserva disk: · Floats on the surface of the wine, and has sufficient buoyancy to return to the surface rapidly once the bottle has been tilted · Rolls for insertion into the bottle without fracture or deformation, and maintains a fringe to facilitate surface coverage in a range of bottle sizes · Returns to a flat shape after rolling and insertion through the neck of the bottle · Is manufactured from material approved for contact with foods and beverages · Is sufficient to cover more than 80% of bottle wine market in one variant · Has a retail price of $1 or less for an individual product, and 55c or less at wholesale · Is disposable with the bottle – reclaimable & able to be separated if required
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