Anti-microbial technology for custom rotational molding

Bacteria and fungal control has become a rapidly growing concern in many industries as the recent spread of H1N1 reaches pandemic levels. Anti-microbial technology has been introduced for custom rotational molding by Granger Plastics. Anti-microbial agents have been tested by an internationally acclaimed leader in the anti-microbial and anti-fungal industry, indicating greater than 99.9% effectiveness in the reduction against a broad spectrum of bacteria and fungi. A combination of food grade polyethylene with anti-microbial technology offers a safe, extremely durable material with unlimited potential. It can be molded into nearly any of the diverse range of products already manufactured by the company. Anti-microbial and anti-fungal plastics can be utilized in many industries such as health care, child care, education, food service, entertainment, recreation or nearly anywhere where people could be exposed to infection causing bacteria and germs. Necessary registrations have been received through many US and International governmental agencies, including EPA (both food contact and non-food contact), FDA, NSF, European Food Safety Authority and have applied for registration with the European Union's Biocidal Products Directive.
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 Kautex KB15 blow moulding Machine

Kautex KB15 blow moulding Machine