Asahi Kasei Medical launches hollow fiber membrane virus filters for biopharmaceutical processing

Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Ltd. are set to launch Planova™ BioEX, its new generation of hollow fiber membrane virus filters. Planova™ BioEX filters are specifically designed to meet the urgent need in downstream biopharmaceutical processing for robust virus filters that not only enhance safety, but also have higher filtration capacities and shorter processing times, even under demanding filtration conditions such as high protein concentration and high filtration pressure. Developed using Asahi Kasei Medical's unique technology base in cellulose hollow fiber virus filters and polymer science, Planova™ BioEX filters incorporate a durable hydrophilic PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) hollow fiber membrane, enabling them to cope with the harsh processing conditions typical of state of the art biopharmaceutical manufacturing. The company says using Planova™ BioEX filters, it will be possible to safely and efficiently filter large volumes of high protein concentration solutions, which are typically problematic for traditional types of virus removal filters, particularly those with flat membranes. The key features include filtration under high protein concentrations, high pressure filtration and SIP (steam in place) compatibility.
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