Rapid Granulator unveils flexible soundproofing solution for workplace

Rapid Granulator (Sweden), the world leader in plastics granulation technology, unveiled at NPE 2009 the Modular Silencing System (MSS) to offer molders and OEMs an innovative noise reducing solution in light of national and international regulatory constraints at the workplace. Designed from the onset as a modular system, the MSS can be tailored to virtually any machine configuration to lower noise emissions by 10-20 dB(A). Although conceived for use with plastics granulators and their transport systems, the MSS can be applied to almost any noise-emitting machinery to reduce operating noise levels and to enhance the health and safety regime in the workplace. The system comprising transparent, sound absorbing fabric, is easy to install and equally easy to disassemble and relocate to accommodate any changes in production hall layout. In some applications the Rapid Silencing System can reduce sound emission to as little as 77 dB(A), which is very low when considering that an average range for conversation is 70-75 dB(A).
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