China's PP production increased by 400,000 tons to 7.15 mln tons in 2007

In 2007, China's PP production capacity reached 7.15 mln tons, increasing by 400,000 tons in the year. Sinopec and PetroChina, the two key PP producers accounted for 67.3% and 27.7% of China's total production capacity as per a report by ResearchInChina. Global PP production capacity reached 46.982 mln tons in 2007, increased by 3 mln tons compared to the year of 2006. Newly added production capacities have sprung up mainly in the Middle East. In China, PP is mainly used in manufacture of knitting products, film products, plastic products and textile products, applicable for the sectors of packaging, electronics and home appliance, automobile, fiber and building pipes. The domestic-made materials had dominated China knitting products market, the proportion of PP consumption had dropped to 46% in 2007 from 60% in 2001. Additionally, the knitting products will focus on large, heavy-duty, high-strength, anti-static and anti-ageing packaging bags.
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