ExxonMobil recently announced that its Singapore Chemical Plant (SCP), the company's largest investment in Asia Pacific region, has pulled several operating units off stream due to planned maintenance. The regularly scheduled maintenance work will last for roughly eight weeks and the same will be communicated to the regular customers, the company indicated. The shut down period will include inspection of equipment normally in continuous operation, routine maintenance and installation of facility enhancements. There may be some flaring when the units are being prepared for maintenance work and when the units are being prepared to start up again.
ExxonMobil's Singapore Chemical Plant (SCP) is worth US$2 bln and includes state-of-the-art chemical processing technologies for high-performance manufacturing. SCP comprises of four integrated units -- Olefins, Aromatics, Polyolefins, Oxo-Alcohol -- and is also fully integrated with the company's Singapore Refinery.