Romanian dye producers to invest in PS to leverage current supply chain and expand portfolio

In Romania, the dye producers are gradually looking to consolidate their already existing supply chain and distribution networks by investing and foraying into manufacturing of adhesives and polystyrene. These investments can be justified by a presence of a well established dye markets and supply channels in Romania to be leveraged for the marketing of other products such as adhesives, polystyrene and plasters. Atlas Corporation, the producer of decorative paints Dufa Deutek, lately bought adhesives producer Bengoss Comimpex for 18.9 mln Euro. Also, Policolor announced last year investments of some 2.5 mln euro in polystyrenes and adhesives production capacities. Fabryo Corporation, has announced investment of some 8 mln euro for developing a business with construction materials, mainly adhesives. Daw Benta, which penetrated the Romanian market as dye producer, decided to enter into production of adhesives, plasters and polystyrene.
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