Shell fined for accident at petrochemicals plant at the Stanlow complex

Shell Chemicals Ltd. was fined over 260,000 pounds (US$535,000; €345,000) and ordered to pay 37,000 pounds (US$74,500; €48,000) in costs after the oil company pleaded guilty to 'failing to follow safety regulations' at the Stanlow petrochemical plant. The accident occurred in 2003, at the Stanlow petrochemical plant in Ellesmere Port, about 200 miles from London, in which dangerous gas escaped from a corroded pipe. The company pleaded guilty last month to failing to comply with accident hazard regulations. The judge said that the fine was lower than it would have been had Shell been found guilty after taking the case to trial. The gas escape was caused by Shell's failure to properly inspect and maintain the pipe. Changes have been made to ensure the problem does not recur.
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