New grade of compostable resin unveiled as an alternative to polystyrene foam

Cereplast, Inc. (USA), developer of proprietary bio-based sustainable plastics, unveiled a new grade of foamable resins, Cereplast Compostable 5001®. The new resin is a compostable foam using Ingeo™ polylactic acid (PLA) and various biodegradable and compostable components. Offering an eco-friendly sustainable substitute for polystyrene foam, Compostables 5001® is ideally suited for thermo-forming application, like egg carton, meat trays, mushroom and berries boxes. The company says this material can be used on conventional extrusion equipments with no screw changes or investment for the converters in their process. A foam density of 5 lb/cubic foot can be achieved using conventional equipment. Cereplast Compostables 5001® has higher thermal properties than traditional Compostables. In addition, Cereplast launched two new grades of Hybrid resins: Cereplast Hybrid 101 and Cereplast Hybrid 103, especially designed for durable applications and targeting injection molding application. Hybrid 101 and 103 are proprietary blends of polypropylene and starch. Hybrid 103 uses natural fibers like flax husk, rice hull, semolina, and wood flour. This new family of product offers a sustainable solution to application like kitchenware, gardening, and toys and offers a very attractive "natural look".
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